General issues

The program has a detailed description of almost every setting. Hover over the interface element you are interested in - a tooltip with its description will appear.
This is also true for the list of mail services - select a service, hover over it - you will see its features.
How to set up the program for the best result? Obviously, there is no universal answer - it depends on your hardware, Internet speed, proxy quality, proxy type, selected mail service and individual needs. Start from the default settings and experiment.

Normal - registration through a browser is emulated. The main requests are repeated, the results are parsed, and subsequent requests are sent based on the data. The highest registration speed, average quality.
Mobile - the same principle as regular registration, but in this case registration is emulated through official mobile applications (android, ios). Added as an alternative registration method.
Browser - registration goes through a real browser (Chrome, Firefox). Increased resource consumption, long registration time, but better mailbox quality.

You are probably using a broken program. Most of the broken versions of this program that were encountered were infected. Plus, from our side, everything possible will be done so that the broken software works incorrectly, buggy, or does not work at all.

We cannot recommend anything specific, buying proxies is the prerogative of the program user.
IPv6 proxies are NOT recommended for purchase. practically nothing is registered through them.
For those who are too lazy to google, a small selection of sellers:

Very old store, many different accounts, many payment methods: buyaccs.com.

The registrar works with standard CapMonster settings. After changing the settings, do not forget to restart CapMonster, and before using it in the registrar, select it as an anticaptcha service.
If CapMonster is running on a remote computer, you must specify its address in the "CapMonster Address" field (example:
Sometimes this is also required when running Capmonster on a local computer.
To learn more about CapMonster, try the demo version and buy it, you can follow the link: https://zennolab.com/en/products/capmonster/.

When the registrar and XEvil work on the same computer, it is enough to specify CapMonster as an anti-captcha service in the registrar's settings.
If XEvil is running on a remote computer, in the XEvil settings you need to specify an external ip and a free port (example:, and specify it in the registrar settings, in the "CapMonster Address" field.
To learn more about XEvil, try the demo version and buy it, you can follow the link: botmasterru.com.

From my own experience: in the first place - rucaptcha.com, in the second - anti-captcha.com.
These services support reCaptcha2, reCaptcha3, hCaptcha, FunCaptcha.

Based on personal experience with these services..
sms-activate.ru. Good prices. There is no experience of communication with TP, tk. everything worked without problems. There is an https mirror. Recommended.
onlinesim.ru. Not the lowest prices. Technical support does not respond within the time frame set by them, but still tolerable. There is an https mirror. When requesting Russian numbers, you need to send a scan of your passport. Good service.
sms-area.org. Probably the highest prices (sometimes many times higher than other services). TP responds for a long time. There is no https mirror site. It feels like the service is dead.
simsms.org and smspva.com. Low prices. Repeated SMS sent to the number you have already paid for is paid. A crooked api that does not return some of the parameters and sometimes disagrees with the instructions. There is no https mirror site. The user rating system in conjunction with low-quality numbers (for some services) will quickly drive you into a block. A withdrawal request lasts a month (according to personal experience, even longer than a month). Not recommended for use.
smsvk.net. Low prices. Crooked inconvenient site. Messages sent through the site are ignored, it is better to immediately write to Skype. There are very few phone numbers available. There is no https mirror site. Not recommended for use.
5sim.net. Many services and countries, reasonable prices, many phones. There is no client balance protection (for example, access by ip), and therefore your balance can be reset to zero by a key brute-forcer (which happened in my case). Communication with support leaves an extremely negative aftertaste: TP ignores questions, closes tickets, “turns on the fool”, and does everything not to understand your question. In general, the service is good. But due to an unfriendly TP, an unresolved problem with a zeroed balance, and the absence of a normal affiliate program, the application will not work with this service.
smska.xyz. It is highly not recommended for use. There are very few phone numbers available. There is no possibility of withdrawing or spending the money earned in the referral program. Technical support does not respond to any communication channel.
sms-acktiwator.ru. It is highly not recommended for use. After 1-2 years, the owner deleted my account without warning, denied the existence of my account in correspondence. After I provided evidence (a registration letter from his domain), he stopped responding to messages altogether. The application will not work with this service, because. scammer owner.

Some mail services are very meticulous about registered mailboxes, they can block them if there is any suspicion. The reason can be both a large number of mail registrations from one ip (even private), and public proxies used.
By buying high-quality proxies from trusted sources and not sucking every proxy to the last, you will reduce the risk of blocking mailboxes.
Also, do not enter the created mailbox from a country that differs from the country of registration (if you registered through a Chinese proxy, then check / enter this mail from a Chinese proxy).

Despite the fact that the program supports both types of proxies, it registers only Yandex. This is a feature of the mail services themselves.

The program supports multithreaded registration through Tor. But keep in mind that each thread is the launch of a separate Tor process, which means an increased load on the system. It is recommended not to install many threads.
The result of working through Tor may be weak or absent at all, due to the large number of users and the specifics of the technology.

If Tor is blocked in your country and you cannot connect directly, you must use intermediary nodes called bridges.
Getting a bridge with a Telegram bot:
  • connect to @GetBridgesBot in Telegram
  • type /bridges
  • copy one of the received lines
Getting a bridge from the Tor Project site:
Get bridge via email (Gmail and Riseup only):
  • Send an email to bridges@torproject.org from your Gmail account or Riseup
  • leave the subject field blank and write "get transport obfs4" in the body of the message
  • copy one of the resulting lines

Select the "List of proxy files/links" mode. Open the list and specify one or more proxies, adding a reconnect link in square brackets for each.
Set "Refresh timeout" to 10 seconds, and turn off the unlocked setting "Stop when no proxy".
Turn on the settings for blocking banned proxies, and their removal from blocking in a minute. If necessary, configure other conditional blocking options.
Enable all settings in the "Mobile proxies" section, they will allow you to reconnect before removing proxies from the blocked/dead lists.

The program supports the installation of its User-Agents. But keep in mind that services can issue different html code for different user agents, which will lead to a negative result. Therefore, it is recommended to leave this setting by default, or act on the basis of this feature of services.

Run the program in debug mode. Make several attempts to register, and click "Diagnostics" (in the settings, instead of the debug button). Send the generated archive to the mail.
Section «Tasks»

The project consists of two files, "Program.cs" - with the project code, and "TaskProject.csproj" - for opening it in Visual Studio.
The file header contains commented out system xml tags that contain metadata and are necessary for proper operation.
  • name - project name.
  • version - version of the project.
  • description - description of the project.
  • references - links to third-party dlls.
Launch of the project
In the registrar, in the "Jobs" section, select your "Program.cs" file.
Launching the Development Environment
In the registrar, section "Tasks", export the project to a new folder and run the file "TaskProject.csproj" (in Visual Studio). This is a minimal project, on the basis of which you can make your own.
If you have a dll that needs to be added to the project:
  • add a reference to it in Visual Studio.
  • in the <references> block, specify the file name or full path (each dll on a new line).
  • copy the dll to the project folder or to "%appdata%\Staf4 Registrator\Assemblies\" (if you specified the full path above, you do not need to copy the file).
Declared variables
Data string received in case of selecting the "Data from file" mode of operation:
public string data = null;
Settings object, available keys:
  • AnticaptchaAttemptsEnterCaptcha - number of attempts to enter captcha.
  • DataDir - program data folder.
  • TempDir - folder of temporary program files (captchas).
  • ResultsDir - folder of program results.
  • ProjectDir - current project folder.
public Dictionary<string, string> settings;
Current proxy object (type, ip, port, login...):
public Staf4.Proxy proxy;
Current user profile object (email, login, password, full name...):
public Staf4.Profile profile;
Object of work with the anti-captcha service:
public Staf4.NsAnticaptcha.Anticaptcha anticaptcha;
Object of work with SMS service:
public Staf4.NsSms.Sms sms;
Object for executing http requests:
public Staf4.NsCurl.ICurl http;
Browser operation object (via Selenium):
public Staf4.SeleniumJs browser;
Script result object:
  • bool Success - result of script execution (true - success, false - error).
  • string Data - data returned to the program in case of successful execution of the script.
  • string Error - error text, in case of unsuccessful script execution.
  • Log(string) - output a string to the log.
public Staf4.TaskResult result;

Displaying a dialog with input data, current proxy and user profile:
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Data: {0}\r\n\r\nProxy: {1}\r\n\r\nProfile: {2}", data, proxy, profile));

Balance request:
AnticaptchaGetBalanceResult acBalance = anticaptcha.GetBalance();
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Result: {0}\r\nText: {1} {2}", acBalance.Result, acBalance.ResultExt, anticaptcha.Currency));
Solving a captcha-image (+ an example of the implementation of captcha input several attempts):
string urlCaptcha = "https://debug.registrator.pl/captcha/";
CurlResult respCapImg1 = http.Get(urlCaptcha);
string matchImg = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(respCapImg1.Data, "<img id=\"image\" src=\"([^\"]+)\"");
int captchaEnterCnt = 0;
string captchaFilePath1 = GetTempFileName("png", "captcha");
respCapImg1 = http.SaveFile("https://debug.registrator.pl/captcha/" + matchImg, "", "", "", captchaFilePath1);
if (respCapImg1.CodeInt == 404) { result.Error = "error_captcha_down"; return; }
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedImg1 = anticaptcha.Recognize(captchaFilePath1);
if (captchaRecognizedImg1.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec)
	if (captchaEnterCnt < ConverterSt.String2int32(settings["AnticaptchaAttemptsEnterCaptcha"])) { goto CAPTCHA; }
	result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return;
http.PostAddDataString("captcha=" + captchaRecognizedImg1.ResultExt, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
respCapImg1 = http.Get(urlCaptcha);
string matchResultCapImg1 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(respCapImg1.Data, "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
if (matchResultCapImg1 == "wrong")
	if (captchaEnterCnt < ConverterSt.String2int32(settings["AnticaptchaAttemptsEnterCaptcha"])) { goto CAPTCHA; }
switch (matchResultCapImg1)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "wrong": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving reCaptcha2:
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedRc21 = anticaptcha.RecognizeRecaptcha2("6LefM7kjAAAAAGxc8ujU0Udr_2LrmzGbp3tf93jV", "https://debug.registrator.pl/", false, false);
if (captchaRecognizedRc21.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
http.PostAddDataString("g-recaptcha-response=" + captchaRecognizedRc21.ResultExt, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
CurlResult respCapRc21 = http.Get("https://debug.registrator.pl/recaptcha2/");
string matchResultCapRc21 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(respCapRc21.Data, "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapRc21)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving reCaptcha3:
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedRc31 = anticaptcha.RecognizeRecaptcha3("6LeiM7kjAAAAAPV38BbKfNlFSfwYRRjE8Y32WgBb", "https://debug.registrator.pl/", "actionName", "0.3", false);
if (captchaRecognizedRc31.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
http.PostAddDataString("g-recaptcha-response=" + captchaRecognizedRc31.ResultExt, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
CurlResult respCapRc31 = http.Get("https://debug.registrator.pl/recaptcha3/");
string matchResultCapRc31 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(respCapRc31.Data, "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapRc31)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving hCaptcha:
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedHc1 = anticaptcha.RecognizeHCaptcha("41079ab2-62e6-42cb-8177-0e290214ae92", "https://debug.registrator.pl/");
if (captchaRecognizedHc1.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
http.PostAddDataString("h-captcha-response=" + captchaRecognizedHc1.ResultExt, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
CurlResult respCapHc1 = http.Get("https://debug.registrator.pl/hcaptcha/");
string matchResultCapHc1 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(respCapHc1.Data, "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapHc1)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving Turnstile:
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedTr1 = anticaptcha.RecognizeTurnstile("0x4AAAAAAAB5SzQ_eELDE-99", "https://debug.registrator.pl/");
if (captchaRecognizedTr1.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
http.PostAddDataString("h-captcha-response=" + captchaRecognizedTr1.ResultExt, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
CurlResult respCapTr1 = http.Get("https://debug.registrator.pl/turnstile/");
string matchResultCapTr1 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(respCapTr1.Data, "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapTr1)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving YandexSmartCaptcha:
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedYc1 = anticaptcha.RecognizeYandexSmartCaptcha("fxBXzFpewqTQccxRvug1hlaySSqgP2BCF8nKnzc5", "https://debug.registrator.pl/");
if (captchaRecognizedYc1.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
http.PostAddDataString("h-captcha-response=" + captchaRecognizedYc1.ResultExt, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
CurlResult respCapYc1 = http.Get("https://debug.registrator.pl/yasmartcaptcha/");
string matchResultCapYc1 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(respCapYc1.Data, "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapYc1)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;

Solving a captcha-image:
if (!browser.ServerStart()) { result.Error = "browser_start_error"; return; }
string captchaFilePath2 = GetTempFileName("jpg", "captcha");
browser.ProxyServer.ResponseEvent += async delegate (Titanium.Web.Proxy.EventArguments.SessionEventArgs __e)
	if (ParseSt.PregMatchBool(__e.HttpClient.Request.Url, "/captcha/([0-9]+)\.png"))
		byte[] body = await __e.GetResponseBody();
		File.WriteAllBytes(captchaFilePath2, body);
	return __e;
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedImg2 = anticaptcha.Recognize(captchaFilePath2);
if (captchaRecognizedImg2.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
browser.TextInElement(By.CssSelector("input[name=captcha]"), captchaRecognizedImg2.ResultExt);
string matchResultCapImg2 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(browser.GetPageContent(), "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapImg2)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "wrong": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving reCaptcha2:
if (!browser.ServerStart()) { result.Error = "browser_start_error"; return; }
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedRc22 = anticaptcha.RecognizeRecaptcha2("6LefM7kjAAAAAGxc8ujU0Udr_2LrmzGbp3tf93jV", "https://debug.registrator.pl/", false, false);
if (captchaRecognizedRc22.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
browser.JsExec("window.grecaptcha.setResponse(\"" + captchaRecognizedRc22.ResultExt + "\");");
string matchResultCapRc22 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(browser.GetPageContent(), "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapRc22)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving reCaptcha3:
if (!browser.ServerStart()) { result.Error = "browser_start_error"; return; }
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedRc32 = anticaptcha.RecognizeRecaptcha3("6LeiM7kjAAAAAPV38BbKfNlFSfwYRRjE8Y32WgBb", "https://debug.registrator.pl/", "actionName", "0.3", false);
if (captchaRecognizedRc32.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
browser.JsExec("window.grecaptcha.setResponseExecute(\"" + captchaRecognizedRc32.ResultExt + "\");");
string matchResultCapRc32 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(browser.GetPageContent(), "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapRc32)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving hCaptcha:
if (!browser.ServerStart()) { result.Error = "browser_start_error"; return; }
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedHc2 = anticaptcha.RecognizeHCaptcha("41079ab2-62e6-42cb-8177-0e290214ae92", "https://debug.registrator.pl/");
if (captchaRecognizedHc2.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
browser.JsExec("window.hcaptcha.setResponse(\"" + captchaRecognizedHc2.ResultExt + "\");");
string matchResultCapHc2 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(browser.GetPageContent(), "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapHc2)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving Turnstile:
if (!browser.ServerStart()) { result.Error = "browser_start_error"; return; }
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedTr2 = anticaptcha.RecognizeTurnstile("0x4AAAAAAAB5SzQ_eELDE-99", "https://debug.registrator.pl/");
if (captchaRecognizedTr2.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
browser.JsExec("window.turnstile.setResponse(\"" + captchaRecognizedTr2.ResultExt + "\");");
string matchResultCapTr2 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(browser.GetPageContent(), "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapTr2)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;
Solving YandexSmartCaptcha:
if (!browser.ServerStart()) { result.Error = "browser_start_error"; return; }
AnticaptchaRecognizeResult captchaRecognizedYc2 = anticaptcha.RecognizeYandexSmartCaptcha("fxBXzFpewqTQccxRvug1hlaySSqgP2BCF8nKnzc5", "https://debug.registrator.pl/");
if (captchaRecognizedYc2.Result != AnticaptchaResultEnum.ok_rec) { result.Error = "error_anticaptcha"; return; }
browser.JsExec("window.smartCaptcha.setResponse(\"" + captchaRecognizedYc2.ResultExt + "\");");
string matchResultCapYc2 = ParseSt.PregMatchSingle(browser.GetPageContent(), "<span id=\"result\">(.*?)</span>");
switch (matchResultCapYc2)
	case "ok": result.Success = true; break;
	case "error": result.Error = "error_captcha_wrong"; break;
	default: result.Error = "error_unknown_reason"; break;

Balance request:
SmsSharedResult smsBalance = sms.GetBalance();
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Result: {0}\r\nText: {1} {2}", smsBalance.Result, smsBalance.ResultExt, sms.Currency));
Phone and SMS request:
sms.Service = SmsServiceEnum.MailRu;
SmsGetPhoneResult smsPhone = sms.GetPhone();
if (smsPhone.Result == SmsResultEnum.ok)
	SmsSharedResult smsSms = sms.GetSms();
	MessageBox.Show(String.Format("SMS-Service: {0}\r\nService: {1}\r\n\r\nPhone: {2}\r\n\r\nSms: {3}", sms.ServiceName, sms.Service, smsPhone, smsSms));
	MessageBox.Show(String.Format("SMS-Service: {0}\r\nService: {1}\r\n\r\nPhone: {2}", sms.ServiceName, sms.Service, smsPhone));

Get request:
CurlResult resp1 = http.Get("https://chek.zennolab.com/proxy.php");
Post request + cookie setting:
http.CookieAdd("param1", "cookieVal");
http.PostAddDataString("param1=postVal1&param2=postVal2", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
CurlResult resp2 = http.Get("https://chek.zennolab.com/proxy.php", "http://referer.test");
Downloading and sending a file:
string tempFilePath = GetTempFileName("png", "captcha");
CurlResult resp3 = http.SaveFile("https://debug.registrator.pl/captcha/111.png", "", "", "", tempFilePath);
http.PostAddFile("111.png", tempFilePath);
resp3 = http.Get("https://chek.zennolab.com/proxy.php", "http://referer.test");
MessageBox.Show(tempFilePath + "\r\n\r\n" + resp3.Data);

Enabling the internal proxy, launching the browser, and setting the data input rate:
browser.Proxification = true;
if (!browser.ServerStart()) { result.Error = "browser_start_error"; return; }
browser.UserSpeed = SeleniumJs.UserSpeedEnum.Realtime;
Setting up an internal proxy (caching):
browser.ProxyServer.CacheAdd(HttpsProxyServerTitanium.FilterOptions.Css | HttpsProxyServerTitanium.FilterOptions.Javascript | HttpsProxyServerTitanium.FilterOptions.Images | HttpsProxyServerTitanium.FilterOptions.Fonts);
Page opening:
Waiting for frames to load with a pause:
Finding an element and entering text:
var elmInput = browser.FindElement(By.Id("input1"));
if (elmInput != null) { browser.TextInElement(elmInput, "New demo text"); }
Search for one of several elements:
var elmInput2 = browser.FindElementAnyFromArray(new By[] { By.Id("input0"), By.Id("input1") }, 1);
if (elmInput2 != null) { browser.TextInElement(elmInput, " Add text"); }
Clearing text in an element:
browser.TextClearInElement(By.CssSelector("#form #input2"));
browser.TextInElement(By.CssSelector("#form #input2"), "New demo text 2");
browser.ClickOnSelectOption(By.Id("select1"), "1");
Click on an element:
Downloading a picture (taken as a screenshot):
string imgDownloadFilePath = GetTempFileName("png", "image");
browser.ImageDownload(imgDownloadFilePath, By.Id("image2"));
MessageBox.Show("Image download path: " + imgDownloadFilePath);
Getting the coordinates and size of an element:
int imgPosX1, imgPosY1, imgPosX2, imgPosY2, imgPosWidth, imgPosHeight;
imgPosX1 = imgPosY1 = imgPosX2 = imgPosY2 = imgPosWidth = imgPosHeight = 0;
browser.GetElementPosition(By.Id("image1"), ref imgPosX1, ref imgPosY1, ref imgPosX2, ref imgPosY2, ref imgPosWidth, ref imgPosHeight);
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Image info:\r\nPosition X1: {0}\r\nPosition Y1: {1}\r\nPosition X2: {2}\r\nPosition Y2: {3}\r\nWidth: {4}\r\nHeight: {5}", imgPosX1, imgPosY1, imgPosX2, imgPosY2, imgPosWidth, imgPosHeight));
Mouse movement to coordinates:
browser.MouseMoveToCoords(50, 300);
Mouse movement to an element:
Move the mouse over an element:
Switching focus to the specified frame (+ searching for an element in it):
MessageBox.Show("Element in frame: " + (browser.ElementExists(By.Id("inputInFrame1")) ? "finded" : "not finded"));
Switching focus to the main frame:
Executing a js script on a page:
Mouse move to coordinates and click (+ get element coordinates):
int chbPosX1, chbPosY1, chbPosX2, chbPosY2, chbPosWidth, chbPosHeight;
chbPosX1 = chbPosY1 = chbPosX2 = chbPosY2 = chbPosWidth = chbPosHeight = 0;
browser.GetElementPosition(By.Id("checkbox2"), ref chbPosX1, ref chbPosY1, ref chbPosX2, ref chbPosY2, ref chbPosWidth, ref chbPosHeight);
browser.FullEmulation_MouseClickToCoords(chbPosX1 + 5, chbPosY1 + 5);
Moving the mouse to an element and clicking on the selector item:
browser.FullEmulation_ClickOnSelectOption(By.Id("select2"), "3");
Mouse movement to the element and its filling (for text fields):
browser.FullEmulation_MouseAndFill(By.Id("textarea1"), "New demo text, line 1\r\nNew demo text, line 2");
Moving the mouse to an element and clicking on it:
Getting url and page content:
MessageBox.Show("Page url: " + browser.GetPageUrl() + "\r\n\r\nPage content:\r\n" + browser.GetPageContent().Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\t", ""));
Checking for the absence of an element:
var elmAbsentTest = browser.ElementAbsent(By.Id("elmAbsent"), 1);
var elmAbsentTest2 = !browser.ElementAbsent(By.Id("elmInvis"), 1);
Checking for the absence of an element or its invisibility:
var elmAbsentInvisTest = browser.ElementAbsentOrInvisible(By.Id("elmAbsent"), 1);
var elmAbsentInvisTest2 = browser.ElementAbsentOrInvisible(By.Id("elmInvis"), 1);
var elmAbsentInvisTest3 = !browser.ElementAbsentOrInvisible(By.Id("elmVis"), 1);
Checking for the existence of an element:
var elmExistsTest = browser.ElementExists(By.Id("elmVis"), 1);
var elmExistsTest2 = browser.ElementExists(By.Id("elmInvis"), 1);
var elmExistsTest3 = !browser.ElementExists(By.Id("elmAbsent"), 1);
var elmExistsTest4 = browser.ElementExists(By.Id("elmAbsentToCreate"), 3);
Checking the existence of an element and its visibility:
var elmExistsVisTest = browser.ElementExistsAndVisible(By.Id("elmVis"), 1);
var elmExistsVisTest2 = !browser.ElementExistsAndVisible(By.Id("elmInvis"), 1);
var elmExistsVisTest3 = !browser.ElementExistsAndVisible(By.Id("elmAbsent"), 1);
var elmExistsVisTest4 = browser.ElementExistsAndVisible(By.Id("elmInvisToVis"), 3);
Checking the presence and subsequent absence of an element (appeared-disappeared):
var elmExistsAbsentTest = !browser.ElementExistsAbsent(By.Id("elmInvisToVisToInvis"), 4, 4);
var elmExistsAbsentTest2 = browser.ElementExistsAbsent(By.Id("elmAbsentToCreateToAbsent"), 4, 4);
Checking for the existence of an element and its visibility, and then checking for the absence of an element or its invisibility (appeared-disappeared):
var elmExistsVisAbsentInvisTest = browser.ElementExistsAndVisible2AbsentOrInvisible(By.Id("elmInvisToVisToInvis"), 4, 4);
var elmExistsVisAbsentInvisTest2 = browser.ElementExistsAndVisible2AbsentOrInvisible(By.Id("elmAbsentToCreateToAbsent"), 4, 4);
Checking for the existence of one of several elements:
var elmExistsAnyFromArray = browser.ElementExistsAnyFromArray(new By[] { By.Id("input0"), By.Id("input1") }, 1);
Element existence/visibility test results:
	+ "Absent: {0}, {1}\r\n"
	+ "Absent or Invisible: {2}, {3}, {4}\r\n"
	+ "Exists: {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}\r\n"
	+ "Exists and Visible: {9}, {10}, {11}, {12}\r\n"
	+ "Exists to Absent: {13}, {14}\r\n"
	+ "Exists and Visible to Absent or Invisible: {15}, {16}\r\n"
	+ "Exists any from array: {17}\r\n",
	elmAbsentTest, elmAbsentTest2,
	elmAbsentInvisTest, elmAbsentInvisTest2, elmAbsentInvisTest3,
	elmExistsTest, elmExistsTest2, elmExistsTest3, elmExistsTest4,
	elmExistsVisTest, elmExistsVisTest2, elmExistsVisTest3, elmExistsVisTest4,
	elmExistsAbsentTest, elmExistsAbsentTest2,
	elmExistsVisAbsentInvisTest, elmExistsVisAbsentInvisTest2,

Getting a temporary captcha file name for downloading and subsequent recognition:
GetTempFileName("png", "captcha")
Proxy ban - to move the current proxy to the banned list and log:
Long-term proxy ban - to move the current proxy to the list of long-term banned and log:
Dead proxy - to move the current proxy to the list of dead ones and log:
Live proxy - to log the current proxy:
Login is busy - to remove the login from the file (if used):

result.Log("Debugging Data");
The result of the script (random: success / error):
result.Success = GeneratorSt.RandBool();
Success data:
result.Data = "Success, Thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.Name;
Error text:
result.Error = "Error #" + GeneratorSt.Rand(1, 3);